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Thanks for checking out DPGC Golf Marketing. Below you'll find a bit more information about how we came to be, and the sorts of projects we've worked on. However, truthfully there's barely a side of the industry we haven't been involved in; from OEM's, to Tour Operators, to Tour Events, to Media;  both in-house and as part of an agency. If you've got a project that you need a hand on, we'd love to help you to maximise your own place in the modern golf economy.


James Somerside

Founder, DPGC

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DPGC was set up in the Summer of 2020. 


It became frustrating that after years of wanting to grab golf gear from the States, we in the UK were paying a particularly punchy price. However, that money wasn't necessarily going directly to the brands that we'd all love to support. Shipping companies and HMRC benefited greatly, and we set about to work with the brands directly to bring some of their most popular products across in bulk. Being a trusted partner for the likes of No Laying Up and the Golfers Journal, we grew to level where at Christmas 2021, it became necessary to devote more time to DPGC.


James left his role at the world's leading Golf Tour Operator as Head of Commercial Marketing, and began to focus on DPGC full-time. A wide network, generated over the past decade provided opportunities for freelance golf marketing support, in addition to the running of DPGC, and soon we had worked with around a dozen external companies on bespoke projects within the first 9-months!


Projects to date have been both varied and hugely enjoyable to the extent that we've brought on additional help for the DPGC shop, so that marketing clients can receive are more hands-on relationship, with regular communication, and the ability to turn around projects incredibly quickly.


If you've got a project or company that you need support with, we'd love to help. Whatever it may be. As long as it has at least some tangential link to the greatest sport in the world.


DPGC, 2022.



Drop us a line, or better yet, give us a buzz!


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